First-generation immigrants often feel neglected in the school setting, making it hard for them to adapt. They often arrive to the US with other obstacles such as undocumentation or language barriers. This is not including being apart of other disadvantaged group(s).
Undocumented students are often scared about their situation, what the future will look like, if they are able to go to college, and if they are, is college going to be affordable? Often guidance counselors aren’t empathetic towards students in these situations and don’t try to get to know what their situation is like for them.
English learners usually enter the country with very little knowledge of the language. When they start school, these children will most likely be put in an insuffiecent english learners class. Administrators' goal isn't to help them advance out of the class. If they are moved to a regular english class, the overall performance will drop because these students are still novices to the language. This affects their education, as they aren't challenged enough to grow these skills. There are also not enough resources to help these students in other essential classes such as history, where english is an important element of the subject. Guidance counselors at schools should do their best to introduce these students to potential opportunities to better their future.
Students with mental and physical disabilities are often neglected in the public education system (especially those who are undiagnosed). People without proper training and education will often label these students as “lazy", "stupid", "incompetetent", etc.
Students of color are often prejudiced against due to their appearance. Existing biases against certain races can impact children’s learning. If a teacher automatically classifies a student as inept, they will not put in as much effort in helping them learn. They are viewed as a lost cause. Many students are often disregarded